Psychosocial support to the communities of Marj Na’ja, Al Zbeidat, Marj Ghazal, Al Jiftlik, Froush Beit Dajan and Ein Shibli
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clock : AFD

Targeted communities :

Marj Na’ja, Al Zbeidat, Marj Ghazal, Al Jiftlik, Froush Beit Dajan and Ein Shibli.


The project’s main objective is:

Community wellbeing are strengthened through psycho-social and health preventive strategies that support people to take part in addressing conflict-related challenges.


Expected results:

Result 1.  A data management system that is dynamic and able to accommodate the arising psychosocial challenges of the targeted communities, and able to provide information for needs-based interventions and services. It shall also form a base for M&E processes.

Result 2. Engaging stakeholders from LGUs, public, private, and civil society institutions, as well as individuals, in cooperative and collaborative approaches to use their expertise in support the targeted communities.

Result 3: Active and sustainable Local Support Units are established to hold continuous support for the targeted communities.

Result 4 Available manuals of psychosocial support activities and interventions for the communities derived from the capacity building of Local Support Units

Result 5: awareness of the targeted communities is raised through social media platforms as evident by the reported participation in the advocacy and community activities.

Result 6: Constructive dialogue about services is initiated between the citizens and public institutions, service providers, and decision-makers.

Result 7: innovative tools in psychosocial support are employed in the communities including the use of art, drama, music, sports, audiovisuals…etc.

Result 8: Comprehensive results, lessons learned and recommendations framework is available about the achievements of the project to serve as guidance and support for future interventions.